It's been a while since the DioWarriors Blog had been updated, I'm dusting off the old keyboard and settling down for another article. Today it's about a possible kickstarter for the DioWarriors Zombie Lab. Here's a photo: A lot has happened since the last time this blog was updated. I could write another article on it, but discussing a kickstarter has been heavy on my mind these last few months. Then recently DioWarriors got a golden opportunity to do a long dreamed of project concerning our line of action figures. That would make for an ideal blog article, but I'll have to let that project progress a bit more before revealing details. So I don't want to say too much now. However, what I can say is that there's been a slight change in flavor for some of the props. We're going more into the Sci-Fi styling with updates across the board for computer consoles, tables, chairs, weapon systems, and battlefield robots. What triggered this was the return to the DioWarriors Zombie Lab late last year. If you are not familiar with it, the DioWarriors Zombie Lab is a diorama system we first showed during the GI Joe Convention in Dallas, Texas, back in the 2014. It's a high tech laboratory diorama system we designed and built mostly to have something to show at the convention, and also to test what it would take to build a modular diorama. Now, after the final JoeCon in 2018 we revisited the DW Zombie Lab to update it. After all, we've been doing a lot of 3D printing since 2014 and have fine tuned our techniques. So we have several years of lessons learned that we wanted to show with an updated zombie lab.
The updated style turned out to be fun to implement and was very Science Fiction looking. The Sci-Fi styling led to other parts of the lab being updated -- computers, tables -- and eventually to "holograms" and other Sci-Fi looking props. The central "containment unit" structure became more modular and we started thinking "what-if" DioWarriors could offer a kickstarter to help produce the containment unit on a larger scale -- more modular parts, more computer choices, etc -- and the machines to manufacture them?
So we're kinda looking for direction here. If we do a kickstarter it'll be our first. A lot of folks are turned off from kickstarters unless the company doing it has already proven they can deliver. Currently there's several kickstarters from 2017 still being processed in China and people wondering if their pledges will be honored. If DioWarriors does do a kickstarter, we want to be certain of success, that we can deliver. We can better guarantee a finished product, delivered on schedule, by keeping production in-house, using the technologies we are already familiar with. If left up to a Chinese factory there's really no guarantee on anything. So this is where we're at. The zombie lab containment unit kickstarter with props designed for it, 3D printed and laser cut. If DioWarriors should do a kickstarter, would you be on board? What do you think of 3D printed parts for something massive like a large prop? Let us know in the comments or send us an email or PM in Facebook.
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